Hannah 25th November 2020

Grandad, I could write a million words about the amazing Grandad you have been to us all but instead I want to write about our last goodbye. As goodbyes go, ours was pretty special. I can still feel your soft hand holding mine as I proudly showed you the diamond ring on my finger. It definitely had the ‘Grandad seal of approval’. After all, I do get my expensive taste from you. I couldn’t wait to tell you that I was engaged and show you all the pictures and videos of how it all happened. You loved looking through them all. I was sat next to you as you laid in bed in the lounge and we spoke about what you would wear to my wedding, it was top of your agenda to sort your outfit being the style icon of the family. After a few conversations we decided on you wearing a blush waistcoat and one of your dapper hats and bow ties to match. Sounded great, very Grandad! I made you giggle when telling you about some of the venues I was going to visit and how they weren’t in the most desirable sounding areas, we quickly decided maybe these weren’t the venues for me! It felt so good to make you laugh. Conversation turned to honeymoons and holidays which is something that we were both passionate about, adventure and travel. I loved hearing all your amazing stories of all the amazing places you had been. It was a wonderful conversation, filled with happiness and laughter and I know that next year, at my wedding, you will be there, in your finest outfit with a blush waistcoat. Sometimes the smallest moments become the biggest. Our goodbye was the biggest, one filled with love and laughter and a moment I will forever be grateful for. I will miss you so much, my wonderful Grandad. With love, forever Your Granddaughter Hannah x